AppsMX – AforeMovil

Desarrollo de Negocios y Servicios para Transformación Digital

AppsMX – AforeMovil

Afore Móvil is a vanguard app for managing AFOREs, Mexican pension funds.  It allows balance check, account statements and calculation of retirement pension funds.  It also incorporates services such as registry and consultation of non-adults, as well as several options to stimulate voluntary savings on the AFORE using debit cards and cash.   The app is very dynamic and continues to incorporate services, such as switching to a different AFORE.

Afore Móvil is designed using best practices in security and UX, offering, besides the password, authentication options with fingerprint and face biometrics, using Daon’s IdentityX platform.

The app is generated by PROCESAR, in charge of the National Pension Funds Database, supervised by CONSAR, the national regulator, and has therefore solid institutional backup.

Afore Móvil is sure to play a fundamental role in improving financial culture in Mexico.

One Response

  1. Puntos muy interesantes que has mencionado, agradezco que lo pongas.

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